This was a magnificent event that was covered by Television and Newspapers in Namibia as well as attracting International attention.  International attendees were Eileen Greene, Pat Lewis (Canada) and Maria van der Waal (Netherlands).  There was very strong representation from supportive Community Leaders who gave inspirational and motivational speeches.  Former HOGH children and parents also gave passionate testimonials about the support they had received through the soup kitchen.

It was a gay event with singing and dancing. The HOGH children’s’ choir sounded like “a choir of angels”.  A good time was had by all!

Food was abundant and a huge birthday cake was enjoyed.

500 goodie bags were given out to the children

A real treat for the children


It is so great to report on these two wonderful girls.  Precious and Sheeka were very good students.  Due to their excellent academic ability they were receiving additional support for their schooling.  Their marks dropped suddenly and remarkably.  When Monica visited their home to find out why this had occurred she was meet by their mother Rebecca who informed Monica that she had lost her job. Therefore the only meal the girls were receiving was their lunch from the Home of Good Hope.  They did not have an evening meal.  They could not study as there was no paraffin for their candles.  A decision was made to provide this family with additional support as hungry children cannot learn.  Precious is about to graduate with hopes of becoming a veterinarian and Sheeka is in grade 10 and doing well.  Thanks to our donors for providing hope and opportunities to families and for making stories like this possible.

The Home of Good Hope is striving to ensure that all their 500+ students are supplied with school uniforms, shoes and school supplies.  In Namibia children cannot attend school without a school uniform.  Education will often open doors for future opportunities.

Preschool learning activities occur each morning and after school homework assistance is offered.  Volunteers and staff are integral to the educational activities.


It is a great honor for us to have Vicki ya Toivo accept our invitation to become the HOGH patron. Under her patronage we hope to move forward. Vicki was born and educated in the U.S. and practiced as a Labor and Human Rights lawyer in New York.  She married the renowned Namibian anti-apartheid and political activist Andimbo ya Toivo.   Andimbo ya Toivo was to Namibia what Mandela was to South Africa.  The two men spent years imprisoned together on Robben Island.  They became close friends.

Very soon after Namibia gained its independence in 1990, Vicki and Andimbo were married.  They have twin daughters.  The couple modelled political leadership that was honest and committed to the nation.  Recently widowed, Vicki continues her important work in Namibia, an exemplary model to follow:  be respectful of others and tolerant of differences, whether cultural, religious or political.

She values the philosophy of the HOGH and is committed to the well-being of children.


We have recently made some strong political contacts which we feel will be in our favor towards purchasing the land.  We have three shipping containers sitting on the site of the land and we are in the process of converting these containers into usable space for the children.  Although we feel our land purchase is imminent, in the event there is a delay we have a site close to our current location that we can move to temporarily.  This will allow ongoing access to much needed amenities.



We continue to have visiting groups of health professionals.  This is invaluable for the wellbeing of the children.  On a regular basis Monica ensures that all children who need medical attention are taken for treatment.  Hygiene instruction is standard – hand washing before meals—teeth brushing after meals.  Hair washing with medicated shampoo treatment continues weekly for fungus infections.

We are seeking volunteer dentists.  We have been offered the use of a dental clinic to treat the children.


Ella Slabbert has agreed to take the position of General Manager. Monica will continue in her position as Operations Manager.  Ella previously held the position of Assistance Manger and Financial Officer




The children are receiving one nutritionally sound and tasty meal each day.  The little ones are fed at 10 AM and the school children at 1230.  Additional fruit is now being added to the daily meal.

Site of new kitchen at Penduka

We will move to a new kitchen in January.  This new site is close to the current soup kitchen and rent is reasonable. Gregory and Merlyn are cooking tasty meals.



Celebrations!! Hard to believe that these children did not even have shoes when we started the HOGH ten years ago.


This young girl, a member of the HOGH netball team, was chosen by China to play on their team. One of the HOGH boys soccer team was chosen to continue to develop and play in France.


The home of good hope soccer team once again participated in the U/17 Khomas Youth League 2017. The youth league kicked off on the first weekend of March and concluded on the 28th October. After nearly seven months of competing against some of the best soccer teams in Windhoek, team HOGH managed to finish third on the log standing, earning us a bronze medal in the process.


The key to our success this year was, Sportsmanship, Respect for One Another and Financial Support from Team Canada. The constant financial support has allowed the team to hire a mini-bus every weekend and transport children to soccer (fields) matches and back home. Team HOGH wishes to dedicate their medals to all the people involved with Home of Good Hope.

As the year draws to an end, we can only look forward to yet another year full of sports activities for the children including athletics, swimming classes, soccer (football), and netball.


Peacemaker Imanga is the coach of the football team and as well, guides all sport programs.  He co-ordinates the volunteers as to how they can help out with activities.






We continue to be blessed with wonderful and dedicated volunteers, both local and international, who work to support HOGH goals and objectives.  Local women work daily with the children onsite.  While we may not recognize each person individually we sincerely appreciate every individual’s contribution.

Under Louise Pretorius’s guidance (Director of the School of Nursing at the University of Namibia) International Nursing students do their practice experience at the HOGH.  They participate in health education, assessment of the children and schoolwork assistance and play with the children.  This programs offers continual guidance and support throughout the year.


Father Mark (of the Coptic Church) and his wife Heidi who is a gourmet cook hosted us for an elaborate spread of Egyptian food. He continues to facilitate health care teams volunteering at HOGH.










Canada—a Vancouver group spearheaded by Natasha Chalke sent a large container of greatly needed supplies and educational materials.

Germany – Aktion Strassenkinder a German company lead by Uwe Waltersbacher have generously donated another Shipping Container filled with invaluable supplies.  These wheelchairs were donated to the Katutura Hospital


David and Margaret Schroder’s daughter sent beautiful gifts for the children!

Pat Lewis who travelled with Eileen to Namibia this year and on two other occasions offers invaluable support both in Namibia and at home.


Lily (Eileen’s Granddaughter) decided she would like to do something for her “brothers and sisters” in Namibia.  She is collecting fidget spinners.  A Christmas idea that children and grandchildren participate in.


Netherlands—we are greatly appreciative for our donors in the Netherlands for donating money to purchase a new truck.


Namibia–These two local women volunteer daily and work tirelessly at the soup kitchen.

United States– Anne Davis, Internationally renowned ethicist (Professor Emerita, UCSF School of Nursing) visited Victoria offering her continued support for the Home of Good Hope.  She was instrumental in Eileen to receiving the International Human Rights and Nursing award.

The Home of Good Hope always celebrates the children!




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